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py-betamax VCR imitation for python-requests
py-bleach Easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool
py-blosxom PyBlosxom is a lightweight file-based weblog system
py-bottle Fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python
py-cfscrape Python module for dealing with Cloudfare protection
py-channels Brings event-driven capabilities to Django with a channel system
py-cheroot High-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy
py-cherrypy Pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
py-clearsilver Fast, powerful, language-neutral HTML template system
py-ClientForm Python module for handling HTML forms on the client side
py-cloudfiles CloudFiles client library for Python
py-cookies RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
py-creole (V) Markup converter in pure Python
py-curl Python module interface to the cURL library
py-cx_Oracle (V) Oracle binding for Python
py-daphne HTTP, HTTP2 and WebSocket protocol server for ASGI
py-django Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py-django-admin-rangefilter Add the filter by a custom date range on the admin UI
py-django-admin-sortable2 Generic drag-and-drop sorting for Views in the Django Admin
py-django-appconf Helper class for handling configuration defaults of Django
py-django-appmedia Handling django app media
py-django-celery-beat Database-backed Periodic Tasks
py-django-classy-tags Class based template tags for Django
py-django-cms Django content management system
py-django-cmsplugin_gallery DjangoCMS image gallery plugin
py-django-contrib-comments Framework to attach comments to any Django model
py-django-cors-headers Django application for handling headers required for CORS
py-django-countries Provides a country field for Django models
py-django-easy-thumbnails Easy thumbnails for Django
py-django-filer File management application for Django
py-django-filter Generic dynamic filtering support for Django
py-django-formtools Collection of assorted utilities for specific form use cases
py-django-import-export Django application and library for importing and exporting data
py-django-inline-ordering Django app to ease ordering of related data
py-django-js-asset Script tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
py-django-kronos Django application to define and schedule tasks with cron
py-django-mptt Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal
py-django-photologue Plug-in photo management application for the Django framework
py-django-polymorphic Simplifies using inherited models in Django projects
py-django-registration User-registration application for Django
py-django-rest-framework-proxy Easy proxying of incoming REST requests
py-django-reversion Version control facilities for Django
py-django-sekizai Django Template Blocks with extra functionality
py-django-sortedm2m Drop-in replacement for Django's many to many field
py-django-south Intelligent schema and data migrations for Django projects
py-django-sql-explorer Pluggable app that allows to execute SQL, view, and export the results
py-django-tagging Generic tagging application for Django
py-django-tastypie Flexible and capable API layer for Django
py-django-treebeard Efficient tree implementations for the Django Web Framework
py-django14 Django, a high-level Python Web framework (LTS version)
py-django2 Django, a high-level Python Web framework
py-djangocms-admin-style Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface
py-djangocms-file File plugin for django CMS
py-djangocms-flash Flash plugin for django CMS
py-djangocms-googlemap Google Maps plugin for django CMS
py-djangocms-inherit Flash plugin for django CMS
py-djangocms-picture Flash plugin for django CMS
py-djangocms-style Plugin for django CMS to add CSS classes to other plugins
py-djangocms-teaser Teaser plugin for django CMS
py-djangocms-text-ckeditor Text Plugin for django-cms with CK-Editor
py-djangocms-video Flash plugin for django CMS
py-djangorestframework Lightweight REST framework for Django
py-exifread (V) Read Exif metadata from TIFF and JPEG files
py-feedgen Python module to generate ATOM feeds, RSS feeds, and Podcasts
py-feedgenerator Standalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator, compatible with Py3k
py-filebrowser_safe Permanent fork of FileBrowser asset manager for Mezzanine
py-flask Python web microframework
py-flask-admin Simple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask
py-flask-assets Flask webassets integration
py-flask-babel Adds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
py-flask-babelex Adds i18n and l10n support for Flask based on Babel and pytz
py-flask-bootstrap Flask extension for Twitter's Bootstrap
py-flask-cache Cache extension for Flask
py-flask-common Common functionality for Flask
py-flask-debugtoolbar Port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask
py-flask-flatpages Provides flat static pages to a Flask application
py-flask-frozen Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
py-flask-limiter Rate limiting for flask applications
py-flask-login User session management for Flask
py-flask-mail Flask extension for sending email
py-flask-principal Identity management for Flask
py-flask-rest Simple REST toolkit for Flask
py-flask-script Scripting support for Flask
py-flask-security Simple security for Flask apps
py-flask-sqlalchemy Adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application
py-flask-sslify Force SSL on your Flask app
py-flask-testing Unit testing for Flask
py-flask-uploads Flexible and efficient upload handling for Flask
py-flask-user Customizable user account management for Flask
py-flask-webpack Flask extension to manage assets with Webpack
py-flask-wtf Simple integration of Flask and WTForms
py-flup WSGI support modules (python-2.x version)
py-flup3 WSGI support modules (python-3.x version)
py-FormEncode HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
py-furl URL manipulation made simple
py-gdata Google Data API Python client library
py-genshi Python toolkit for generation of output for the web
py-google-api-python-client Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs
py-google-apitools Client libraries for humans
py-graphite-web Enterprise scalable realtime graphing platform